Where is God?
Where is God in these crazy times we call the present? Who has time for Him anyway?
We’re busier and more distracted than ever. We’re embroiled in gender wars, political debates, and mass shootings.
We’re trying to raise children to lead happy, healthy fulfilled lives while we’re addicted to our electronics and chasing the evasive dream of ‘happiness’.
Where is God in all this messiness?
God is Here!
The good news is that God is here! Even if it doesn’t feel like it, He is most certainly in our midst.
He promised us in His Word (the Bible) that He will never leave us or forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
So, how do you find God in our midst? How do you find peace through Him in the daily madness?
That’s our mission at Finding God Among Us! We find ways to seek out God no matter how hectic our schedule is. We fit our schedule around our relationship with God rather than trying to squeeze God into our busy schedule.

Tools to help you find God in daily life
Our Heavenly Father speaks to us in the Bible through the prophets and many others whom He spoke to and through. But most uniquely, we have the words of His Son, Jesus.
Jesus was truly God among us! His words were spoken over 2,000 years ago, but they’re still relevant to us today.
Jesus in the Gospels
Jesus’ life and teaching are most prominently described in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It’s in these four books of the Bible that the parables of Jesus were recorded.
It’s in the parables that Jesus conveyed messages that are still applicable to our lives today. Heeding the lessons from Jesus’ parables is one way we can draw closer to Him.
Seeking Jesus in the Parables
The parables that Jesus used to teach His followers offer us a unique gift today. Most of us know at least some of the parables, such as the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the Parable of the Prodigal Son.
But, do we really know their meaning and do we take their meaning to heart? Do we use the messages from the parables in our daily lives?
What do the parables mean and how do they apply to our lives? Take a peek!

Are you seeking deeper faith, a more meaningful life, or greater inner peace?
Embark on a journey of spiritual growth and self-reflection through the timeless teachings found within the forty parables of Jesus Christ. Grab your ebook, softcover, or LARGE PRINT. Read FREE with Kindle Unlimited! Learn more on Amazon (affiliate link). Read a Sample!
The parable lessons shown here are only a sampling. We’ve got all 38 parables of Jesus covered! Each one has a unique lesson. Let their lessons help change your life!
Christian books are another way we can find God among us and draw closer to Him. Our Christian book reviews can help reinforce your faith and help you grow spiritually.
Christian lifestyle book reviews…
Calling all readers! Combine your love of reading with your love of Jesus! Take a look through our book reviews to help you find your next great Christian-read…
We cover a variety of Christian book topics, such as: Christian Lifestyle, Books for Anxiety, Books on Faith, True Stories, Bible Study, Christian Marriage, and Apologetics.
- You Are Welcomed Book Review
- Best Devotionals for 20 Somethings 2024
- Someone I Know is Grieving Book Review
The reviews shown here are only a sampling of books we recommend. There are plenty more books on various Christian topics to meet you where you are on your spiritual journey.
Christian kids’ book reviews…
Don’t forget that reading Christian books to children is a great way to lay a spiritual foundation.
Check out our Christian book reviews for kiddos! Our recommended books help our littlest learners develop a strong faith.
- My First ABC Book of Bible Verses Book Review
- African Heroes Book Review
- Good Gifts Come From God Book Review
The books shown are only a sampling. Take a look for more.
A little bit about me ~

Shirley Alarie
With Lulu at RVR Horse RescueHello and Welcome! I’m Shirley Alarie, a midwesterner and New Englander turned snowbird, a chemical engineer turned writer, blogger and book reviewer, a cautiously optimistic cancer survivor, over-the-top dog-mom and animal lover, sister, daughter, and committed wife with ‘steps’.
Most importantly, I’m a Jesus-loving seasoned sinner.
My winding writing and blogging journey began after a breast cancer diagnosis (thankfully) derailed my life. I began writing inspirational adult narrative nonfiction and children’s picture books before God took over.
I’ve been a Christian all my life, but haven’t always been “all in” for Jesus, if you know what I mean. I went to church when I felt like it and prayed if I remembered.
Jesus waited patiently for me to really seek Him in earnest (Jeremiah 29:13), which I finally did! He encourages me to write topics about Finding God Among Us today.
He began growing this blog before I had any idea what blogging really entailed, so I know it was all Him.
So, here you are today, and whether our paths cross for 3 minutes or for a lifetime, I’m thankful that we have intersected on this amazing Christian journey.
You can contact me HERE!