12 Rules for a Christian Life Book Review

12 Rules for a Christian Life Book Cover

Ever wonder if you’re living the life you were made to live?

Many of us are carried along by thoughtless routine and cultural inertia. We’re drowning in news feeds and notifications, overwhelmed by low-grade depression and lofty expectations.

In the midst of the daily grind we wonder…Is there more to life than this?

There is more. Much more.

Your purpose is greater than building a reputation, finding the right career, or supporting the latest cause. Your true calling is far more fulfilling than chasing fickle followers, wooing the sexiest partner, or settling for comfort and pleasure.

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In my years of reviewing books, I’ve never described a book as a must-read. Until now.

Author Chris Greer’s 12 Rules for a Christian Life is an invitation to a richer life than the average Christian can imagine. His roadmap for living life to the fullest is an outstanding guide for anyone who wants to understand what it means to live for Christ and to develop a personal relationship with Him. 

Mr. Greer breaks his twelve “rules” into three sections: Rules for Life with God, Rules for Life with Others, and Rules for Life with Yourself. This comprehensive approach explores Christianity in every aspect of life. Some might be a challenge and many could be life-changing.

Topics such as Listen to Jesus, Redefine Love, and Name Your Idols will encourage readers to look in the mirror and open their minds and hearts to explore a new way of living that can lead to a more rich, satisfied, and fulfilled life.

The thing that takes this book over the top is the author’s description of the ways he practices each of these “rules”, offering readers a starting point in their own exploration.

12 Rules for a Christian Life includes a lengthy appendix with a helpful summary of each rule that would be handy to keep as a reference guide.

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Who would enjoy this book:

Anyone looking to develop a relationship with Christ would be blessed by reading this book. This book is a must-read for those who are stagnant in their faith, who long for ‘more’, or who want to start truly living their faith.

All will find encouragement and guidance here. 12 Rules is suitable for readers new to the faith, life-long Christians, and everyone in between.


How this book affected me:

12 Rules for a Christian Life may be the best book I’ve read about developing a relationship with Christ and aligning our lives accordingly. I wished I’d been inspired to write it myself!

Too many Christians are satisfied with a lukewarm relationship with Christ. Maybe they spend an hour in church every so often, recite prayers at night, and read the Bible occasionally. That was me for many years (minus Bible-reading).

But I’ve experienced the door opening to an incredibly magical relationship with Christ, as Greer explains, so I know what he describes is true and possible – and absolutely beautiful. Mr. Greer has encouraged me to develop my relationship even further and I’m looking forward to the journey.

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Our Christian Book Reviews:

The book reviews at Finding God Among Us focus on Christian books – adult and children, fiction and nonfiction. Our specialty is books on faith and new Christian book releases. We’re proud to be included in the Top 20 Christian Book Review Bloggers.  I chose to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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