Being Christian is about more than being a good person. It’s even about more than loving Jesus Christ. The journey to a better Christian life is a never-ending adventure.
Becoming a better Christian involves becoming the person Jesus has called you to be. Jesus loves you as you are, but don’t you owe Him your best self?
When you love Christ, you want to become a new creation, which is the best version of yourself. So let’s take a look at some simple ways you can become a better Christian in everyday life.
Isn’t it ‘Good Enough”?
We often get lulled into thinking that the Christian we aretoday is good enough. But a Christianwho is truly striving to become the Christian he or she is called to be isnever stagnant.
You go to church? Wonderful! You pray? Excellent! You love Jesus? Fabulous!
But you shouldn’t think that’s enough.
We’re human, so there’s always something that we can improve to become a better Christian. Where are you falling short?
Looking in the Mirror
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
We all have opportunities for improvement. The first step in improving our Christian faith is taking a serious look in the mirror. It’s something most of us don’t like to do, but it’s the best way to see where improvement is needed in your relationship with God.
A great way to start looking in the mirror is to honestly evaluate where you fall short on following the Word of God. God requires us to follow His commandments. Are you following them? All of them?
Or have you fallen into the trap that what you’re doing is good enough? Do you keep holy the Sabbath? Are you honest on your taxes? Do you stop yourself from lusting after the hot girl/guy at the gym?
Do you keep the green-eyed monster at bay when your coworker gets the promotion instead of you? Are you respectful to your parents – with regular calls and visits?
Do you take office supplies home? Do you refrain from using the Lord’s name in vain?
Where are your opportunities to improve?
Loving One Another
Jesus asked us to love one another as He loved us. He actually said it’s the most important thing after loving God with all our hearts. Mark 12:30-31Do you?
Do you?
You’d (hopefully) say you love your spouse, your children, your friends, and your parents. But do you act like it? Do you show it?
Does your temper flair easily? (My hand is raised.) Do you belittle others? Are you impatient? Are you stingy with the needy?
Do you call bullies out or join in the jeers? Are you obnoxious on social media? Are you prideful? Do you harbor resentment?
Do you leave your messes for others to clean up? Are you vain? Do you own up to your mistakes and apologize? Do you cast stones?
Do you silently look down on people? Are you racist? Do you judge people?
You might enjoy my post Love One Another if you want to delve into this topic more deeply.
Where have you seen yourself in my questions? Where are your opportunities for spiritual growth?
Being “Pretty Good” Isn’t Enough
It’s really easy to be tricked into thinking that becausewe’re “pretty good” Christians overall, and that it’s good enough.
Instead, your goal should be to become a better person today than you were yesterday.
It’s just who I am!
Photo by Keira Burton
One common misconception we have is that our personalitytraits are pre-wired and there’s nothing we can do to change them. While that’strue to some extent, it’s also a faulty view and an excuse to stay stagnant.
I’m a textbook case of this. For years, I told my husband that my short temper was “just how I am.” I truly believed it.
I couldn’t control the quick fuse – it would pop off before I even realized what was happening. After years of denial, I finally realized that even though it was my nature, it didn’t mean I needed to stay that way.
With a concerted effort to improve, I first started analyzing the things that were setting me off. Slowly, I began recognizing the feeling of the volcano lava shifting inside.
Now, I’m starting to end a conversation (or walk away if I need to) as soon as the lava moves.
My goal is to recognize the signs earlier and earlier, and ultimately change my reactions long before any eruption.
I’m definitely a work in progress, but I’m not giving up. Jesus asks me to love. Exploding at my husband (or anyone) is definitely not spreading God’s love.
Own Your Junk
I’ve revealed a skeleton in my closet to challenge you to own up to yours. Some people have a difficult time looking in the mirror and seeing themselves truthfully.
Jesus sees you truthfully and still offers you eternal life, even with all the messiness. There’s no fooling Him, so you’d best face any demons you’re trying to hide.
A true Christian’s goal is to please the Father according to His will and do good works, not try to get away with the least effort possible.
Becoming a Better Christian
The process of being a good Christian and growing to become a better Christian is simple in concept, but challenging in practice.
The good news is if you keep taking small steps forward, your reward will be an amazing relationship with Jesus.
So, let’s go ahead and get your new life started!
Steps to becoming a better Christian:
Photo by Arina Krasnikova
Step 1 – Get to Know Jesus
Read the New Testament Gospels. Decide to live your life following Jesus’ example. He spells out the requirements for living a life pleasing to God in the Gospels. You might find my free Seeking Jesus Planners helpful for getting to know Him on a deeper level.
Step 2 – Judge Yourself Against the Ten Commandments
Evaluate yourself honestly against the Ten Commandments. Challenge yourself to really abide by them.
For example, one of my weaknesses is keeping holy the Sabbath. If I go to church for one hour but then spend another seven hours working at my computer or surfing on social media, have I kept it holy?
If I read a Bible study, is that enough?
There is some interpretation of what it means to keep holy the Sabbath. Have you reflected on what it means for you? Have you asked God to give you discernment for your life?
Ask and listen!
Step 3 – Assess Your Weaknesses and Change Them
Take a hard look in the mirror. The only way you can really improve is to make an honest assessment.
Do you really know God? Do you have hate in your heart? Does jealousy or self-doubt eat away at you?
Come clean about your real weaknesses. Bring them to Jesus and ask Him to help you improve.
Work at it – daily. Keep moving your target to push for continual improvement.
Sometimes you’ll find that a trusted Christian friend or small group can help keep you accountable for the change you want to see and be for our Heavenly Father.
Step 4 – Make God a Regular Part of Your Daily Life
Pray. Make daily prayer a non-negotiable part of your day.
Talk to Jesus. Praise God the Father. Sing along to worship music.
Use Jesus as the friend, mentor, and guide that He is. Get to know Him. See and feel Him working in your life.
Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance. Listen to His whispers. Do what He says.
Step 5 – Repeat for Improved Christian Living
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko
Being a good Christian is a lifelong endeavor of improvement. Keep taking the next step to becoming a better Christian. As you do, God will continue to use you in amazing ways.
Don’t be discouraged by your weaknesses. Remind yourself that the Son of God loves you as you are, then vow to bring Him your best self.
My Printable ACTS Model Prayer Guides can help amp up your prayer life to move you forward in your Christian journey.
How to Become a Better Christian?
As children of God, we become better Christians by immersing ourselves in God’s Word, living out His instructions, and never stopping loving and improving.
Are you struggling to find time for God in your busy schedule? it’s okay. I’ve got you covered! 50 Ways to Spend Time with God When You’re Busy