
Christian Prayers for everyday life - person praying at the cross on a hill at sunrise or sunset

The beautiful thing about Christian prayer is it’s simple to do, doesn’t require any special skills, can be done anywhere and any time, and it’s perfect for curious agnostics, new believers, and lifelong Christians!

Christian prayer is perfect for the good times, the bad times, the times when you just don’t know what to pray, and times when you just want to shout out praise to the God of the universe!

Take a peek at some of our Prayer resources to get you started.

10 Short Prayers and Bible Verses for Anxiety fimage

10 Bible Verses and Short Prayers for Anxiety

Anxiety is a powerful beast that feeds worry, fear, depression, and stress. Anxiety can easily overtake our rational thinking and dominate our lives. Instead of staying stuck with all that worry, stress, and fear, turn to Bible verses and short prayers for anxiety. Use my short prayers to get you started in your communication with […]

10 Bible Verses and Short Prayers for Anxiety Read More »

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